Here we go…

Life is busy.  Sometimes too busy.  There is work, and play, and laundry, cooking, cleaning, and if we’re lucky, a little bit of sleep.  I am ( not so gracefully ) failing to keep track of all the mundane, everyday things that I’m desperate to keep track of.  The milestone are flying by, and the memories too.  My babies are growing so fast, and I don’t think I’m doing the best job at keeping up. 

So here I go.  I’m going to attempt to blog it all. The funny, silly, make me stop and smile and want to cherish every second memories, and the exhausting, trying, how quick can bedtime come memories.

 Maybe this will work better than J and K’s baby books (oh wait, Kate doesn’t even have a baby book).  Need I say more??

Jack –

Today you are 2 years and 6 months old.  You’re hilarious, goofy, and gorgeous.  You don’t look like Daddy or Mommy but yet I see bits of all of us in you.  You have these gorgeous blue/green/gold eyes that everyone comments on, and lashes that I am personally jealous of.  Those eyes are going to melt some hearts someday!

You talk a lot – and Mom’s about the only one to understand you 100% of the time.  Your favorite words right now are – Ju (juice), Wooooo (no), Mam Mam (Fresh Beat Band), tv, Ishe (ice), and Da Da (outside).  You call Daddy “Dad-DEE”, Mommy “Mum”, Gram “DaDoo”, Papa is “Papa”, Uncle Ben is “Boom”, and Sissy is “Tithy”.  Daphne is “DaDoo” too, so go figure.  🙂

You LOVE to play outside, and you would be out there all day if you could.  Except when Fresh Beat Band comes on – then we can’t pry you off the couch.  Your favorite episode is the one with the darn dog running all around the screen.  You giggle to yourself through the whole episode, which makes Daddy and I almost tolerate watching it for the 1 trillionth time.  

You don’t want much to do with Sissy yet.  Just last week we saw you play with her for the first time.  You started to say “HI HI HI HI HI” to her while she was jumping in her bouncer, and she laughed like it was the best thing ever.  Then you started swinging her around, and Dad had to intervene.  It was adorable, but we wanted Sis not to get whiplash.  Since then though, you cover your face whenever we ask you to talk to sissy.  You are a stinker.

You love any kind of machines – diggers, dump trucks, backhoes, etc., animals – Daphne, frogs (bibbit, bibbit) and cats (Beowwww).  You love ‘big rigs’, playgrounds, and DaDoo and Papa’s pool.  Quite the little fish you are! 

You are literally the best boy in the whole entire world.


Kate –

Today you are 5 months old.  You are 16 pounds of love.  You smile anytime someone looks at you.   You coo all the time, and are always talking to Mommy and Daddy.  You are just a little bundle of love.

We are convinced you look like Auntie Aletta.  You have these big, beautiful eyes, and I think you are starting to get those darn long lashes that Mommy wishes I had.  We aren’t 100% certain what color your eyes are, but I think they will be brown.  They have these specks of green still, so maybe green?  And those cheeks – oh my, those cheeks.  God I love them.  They are so pinchable.  Everyone stops and fawns over those plump little cheekers. 

You are just starting to show an interest in toys.  You are occupied by anything with music.  And you absolutely adore your big brother.  You think Jack is just the funniest thing in the whole world.  Anytime he runs by you (and I do mean RUN) you smile so big and giggle.  It lets me believe that someday you two will be the best of friends.

We got you a jumper chair when you turned 4 months, and you spend a few hours in it a day.  You jump and jump and jump, and laugh and smile and giggle, but then we are ready to get out, YOU WANT OUT. 

You are growing up so fast.  I feel like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital.  Maybe that’s a second baby thing?   Just last week you started rolling over.  And yesterday, I was doing my hair and you rolled 4 consecutive rolls in the time it took me to flip the lightswitch.  You were halfway across the room before I turned around.  It was really something!    Slow down on this growing business – I don’t want to miss anything! 

We love you little girl – you are a blast.  I can’t wait to see what you bring to our family.

About Danielle

27 year old mom to 2 beautiful babes - loving, hilarious, long-lashed 2 1/2 year old Jack, and cuddly, smiley, chubby cheeked Kate. Lover of reading, crafting, diy-ing, and probably the biggest procrastinator I know. Love my husband more than anything - except maybe diet coke.
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